Objective Proficiency p 10. Keys & Vocabulary

 Ex 1
knitted graffiti

guerrilla (also guerilla) /ɡəˈrɪlə/ [only before noun] organized in an informal way and without official permission or approval. E.g. Guerrilla actors took to the streets in army fatigues to protest against the war. Guerrilla marketing (= marketing that uses unusual methods in order to achieve the greatest effect for the smallest amount of money).

crocheting: /ˈkrəʊʃeɪɪŋ/ a way of making clothes, etc. from wool or cotton using a special thick needle with a hook at the end to make a pattern of connected threads.

guerrilla crocheting: a type of graffiti or street art that employs colourful displays of crocheted yarn rather than paint or chalk.

unforeseen: that you did not expect to happen. E.g. unforeseen delays/ problems. The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances.

tea cosya cover placed over a teapot in order to keep the tea warm.

knitwear: items of clothing that have been knitted.

subversive: /səbˈvɜːsɪv/ trying or likely to destroy or damage a government or political system by attacking it secretly or indirectly. E.g. subversive activities.

woolly: made of wool; like wool. E.g. a woolly hat. 

Woolly currywurst

yarn: /jɑːn/ thread that has been spun, used for knitting, making cloth, etc.

treat: something very pleasant and enjoyable, especially something that you give somebody or do for them.

busk: /bʌsk/ to perform music in a public place and ask for money from people passing by. E.g. He started his career busking outside underground stations.

busker: someone who performs music in the streets and other public places for money.

Corpus spot
a went to

b has been used

c had never seen

d were measured

e I've been practising, (I've been) trying/ I've tried

f you have bought

g they had got married

h people care

2002 Edition Vocabulary

  • Oil slick: an area of oil that is floating on the surface of the sea. E.g. A 50 km slick from the damaged tanker
  • Quack: (disapproving) a person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills. E.g. Quack doctors. I've got a check-up with the quack (= the doctor) next week.

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