Objective Proficiency p 16. Spanish Invent Being on Holiday. Extra Cloze

ALMOST 23 per cent of people in Spain admit to 1_________ lied or exaggerated when telling other people about their holidays.
And 10 per cent admit they do so to 2__________ other people envious, and 3 per cent of Spaniards have invented a trip they have never been 3_____________.
Another three per cent confesses to 4_________ modified photos to make them more attractive.
This was 5____________ in a survey carried 6________ by popular website lastminute.com, 19 per cent of Europeans say they have often 7_________ overboard when telling others about their holidays, with the Irish being the worst offenders with 29 per cent, while Spain and Germany come in 8_________  and neck.
At the other end of the 9________, the French and the Danes are the most truthful about 10_______ jollies. The average time spent telling colleagues at work is 22 minutes in Europe, an average 11_______ Spain fits in with, but is 12________ by Ireland (26 minutes), Germany (25) and Sweden (23).
Thirty-nine per cent of the Irish consider 13__________ ‘very good’ 14___________ talking about their holidays, while 50 per cent of Spanish believe that they are good at it.

Adapted from www.euroweeklynews.com


1. having

admit to doing something: E.g. She admits to being strict with her children.

2. make

3. on

4. having

confess: /kənˈfes/ to admit something that you feel ashamed or embarrassed about. E.g. confess to something/to doing something I must confess to knowing nothing about computers.

5. revealed 

6. out 

7. gone 

go overboard: (informal) to be too excited or enthusiastic about something or about doing something. E.g. Don't go overboard on fitness. 

8. neck

neck and neck If two competitors are neck and neck, they are level with each other and have an equal chance of winning. 

9. scale

scale: the set of all the different levels of something, from the lowest to the highest. E.g. At the other end of the scale, life is a constant struggle to get enough to eat.

10. their

jolly: /ˈdʒɒli/ a trip that you make for enjoyment. E.g. I hope you enjoy your jollies.
get your jollies: (informal) to get pleasure or have fun. E.g. Do you get your jollies from wasting money on things you don't need?

11. which

12 beaten

13 themselves

14 at


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