Objective Proficiency p 8. Changes. Gapped Sentences

Use the same word for each group of sentences
a. He had _____________ so much I scarcely recognized him.
b. The landscape has been radically ____________, severely damaging wildlife.
c. We can have the dress ____________ to fit you
a. Most of these tools have been specially ____________ for use by disabled people 
b.We _____________  effortlessly to the new system
c. Three of her novels have been ___________ for television. 
a. Patients are taught how to ___________ their diet 
b. Some teenagers need to __________ their behaviour
c. In ‘walk slowly’, the adverb ‘slowly’ is used to ________ the verb ‘walk’.
a. _____________ your language to the age of your audience
b. It can be difficult to ___________ to being a parent.
c. _____________ the height of the chair so that your forearms will be horizontal while typing.
a. The capital has ________________ from a sleepy Garden City into one of the country's fastest growing city 
b. The caterpillar eventually ______________ into a butterfly.
c. The spotty teenager _________________ into a handsome young man.
a. The hotel is going to be _______________ into a nursing home.
b. He ________________ from Christianity to Islam
c. I didn't use to like opera but my husband has ______________ me.
a. The company has ________________ into a major chemical manufacturer.
b. The three species _______________ from a single ancestor 
c. The dolphin has ____________a highly developed jaw. 
a. During the crisis, oil prices ______________ between $20 and $40 a barrel. 
b. My weight _____________wildly depending on how much I ate 
c. My mood _____________ from day to day. 
a. The government may need to _____________ its policy in the light of this report 
b. I will __________ the estimate for you.
c. I can't come out tonight. I have to ___________.
a. The place has rapidly ______________ from a small fishing community into a thriving (successful) tourist resort.
b. A new type of painkilling drug has recently been ___________________
c. I had the film _______________ yesterday.
a. She ______________ her weight from one foot to the other 
b. Her sympathies gradually ______________ to the side of the protesters 
c. He ___________ the blame for his mistakes onto his colleagues. 
a. When did you _________ jobs?
b. We don't talk about any sex-related topics at home and my parents will ___________ TV channels if there are any sex or even kiss scenes 
c. We are going to __________ the dates of the last two exams.
a. The film studio____________ to Hollywood
b. He __________________ to UCLA after his freshman year. 
c. He was _____________ from Spurs to Arsenal for a huge fee.
a. Why do estimates ______________ in price so much?
b. Pulse rates_____________ slightly from person to person.
c. I need to _________ my diet considerably.

1. altered

2. adapted

3. modify

4. adjust

5. metamorphosed

6. converted

7. evolved

8. fluctuated

9. revise 

10. developed

11. shifted

12. switch

13. transferred 

14. vary 

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