Objective Proficiency p 19. Dependent Prepositions. Exercise 2

1. Ministers should be more attentive _____ the needs of families.
2. He carried on talking, impervious ___ the effect his words were having.
3. The government cannot afford to be indifferent ____ public opinion.
4. Detectives remain baffled ________ these murders.
5. One man has been detained ______ questioning.  
6. The east coast has been plagued _____ blizzards (a snowstorm with very strong winds) for most of this month.
7. Only those over 70 are eligible _____ the special payment.
8. When are you eligible _____ vote in your country? 
9. She seemed totally absorbed _____ her book. 
10. I hope you know that you can always confide ____ me.

1. to

2. to 

(Impervious to something: /ɪmˈpɜːviəs/ not affected or influenced by something. Sp. Inmune, insensible. E.g. impervious to criticism/pain.)

3. to

4. by 

(Baffle: to confuse somebody completely; to be too difficult or strange for somebody to understand or explain. Sp. Desconcertar. E.g. baffle somebody: His behaviour baffles me. Be baffled (as to) why, how, where, etc: I'm baffled as to why she hasn't called. I'm baffled why she hasn't called. Police are baffled by the crime )

5. for

6. by 

(Plague somebody/something:  to cause pain or trouble to somebody/something over a period of time. Trouble. E.g. to be plagued by doubt. Financial problems are plaguing the company. The team has been plagued by injury this season.)

7. for 

(eligible: /ˈelɪdʒəbl/ a person who is eligible for something or to do something, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc. Sp. Apto. E.g. If you are eligible for financial help, we will tell you how to claim). 

8. to 

9. in 

(absorbed /əbˈsɔːbd/)  

10. in 

(Confide in somebody: to tell somebody secrets and personal information because you feel you can trust them. E.g. It is important to have someone you can confide in. She used to confide in him whenever she had a problem.)

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