New Year's Resolution Song. Extra Listening

If you're tired of all the talk about New Year's Resolutions, THIS IS FOR YOU. It's not too late to start your New Year out right.

resolution (to do something) a firm decision to do or not to do something. E.g. She made a resolution to visit her relatives more often. Have you made any New Year's resolutions (= for example, to give up smoking from 1 January)?

If you decide to keep one resolution, make it this: resolve to keep learning English.

resolve: to make a firm decision to do something. E.g. resolve to do something: he resolved not to tell her the truth. Resolve (that): she resolved (that) she would never see him again. Resolve on something/on doing something: we had resolved on making an early start.

Have you made any New Year's resolutions? What are your New Year's resolutions? Have you decided to take up a new hobby?

Sample answers:
To give up smoking from 1 January
Eating healthily
I will study more English words
I will resolve to keep learning English 
I will resolve on listening to the BBC for at least an hour everyday 

More examples here:

Adrian Mole's New Year's resolutions:
These are my New Year’s resolutions:
1. I will help the blind across the road.
2. I will hang my trousers up.
3. I will put the sleeves back on my records.
4. I will not start smoking.
5. I will stop squeezing my spots.
6. I will be kind to the dog.
7. I will help the poor and ignorant. 


working out, losing weight
maybe using 1_______________
becoming more attractive in general

reading more, watching less
learning all the rules for chess
becoming somewhat smarter in general
eating fish, not 2____________________
volunteer to 3_________________________
becoming a better guy in general
saving more, spending less
yes I will 4_________________
dating more girls in general

But not this year. No this year is different!
As different as a gazelle. Yes, a gazelle from a deer.
After all these 5_______________ resolutions.
My future is clear, the future is near!

Just forget those resolutions you
know that you are never gonna do
and adopt a more realistical view
by 6_______________ things that come easily to you
like eat at least one 7_______________ a week
or put the correct shoes on the correct feet
just "8___________________ to walk effortlessly underneath!"

Just face the fact you've always thought
those resolutions don't mean 9____________
10____________ to a comfortable spot
11_____________ all the things you know you are not.
Hit the 12____________, 13______________, then repeat
Make large 14_____________, then lose the 15______________
just "16____________________ to walk effortlessly underneath!"


working out, losing weight
maybe using 1. tanning spray
becoming more attractive in general

reading more, watching less
learning all the rules for chess
becoming somewhat smarter in general
eating fish, not 2. fingernails

volunteer to 3. save the whales
becoming a better guy in general
saving more, spending less
yes I will 4. wax my chest
dating more girls in general

But not this year. No this year is different!
As different as a gazelle. Yes, a gazelle from a deer. (They're actually not that different.)
After all these 5. failed resolutions.
My future is clear, the future is near!

Just forget those resolutions you
know that you are never gonna do
and adopt a more realistical view
by 6. committing to things that come easily to you

like eat at least one 7. value meal a week

value meal: a value meal is a group of menu items at a restaurant offered together at a lower price than they would cost individually. They are common at fast food restaurants.

or put the correct shoes on the correct feet
just "8. Raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath!"

raise the bar to set a new, higher standard of quality or performance. Sp. subir el listón. E.g. The factory has raised the bar on productivity, food safety and quality. This latest computer game raises the bar for interface design. The awards go to people who have truly raised the bar. Perhaps the new admission requirements raised the bar too high.

Just face the fact you've always thought
those resolutions don't mean 9. squat

squat: nothing or not meaning anything. Short for diddly-squat (a small or worthless amount). Sp. nada de nada. E.g. that doesn't mean squat.That doesn't mean diddly-squat

10. Settle in to a comfortable spot

settle in: to move into a new home, job, etc. and start to feel comfortable there. E.g.  How are the kids settling into their new school? It’s not always easy for a new player to settle in.

11. embrace all the things you know you are not.

embrace something to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc., especially when it is done with enthusiasm. E.g. to embrace democracy/ feminism/ Islam. It is unlikely that such countries will embrace capitalist ideas.

Hit the 12. snooze,

snooze: /snuːz/ snooze button: a button on a clock radio which you press when you wake up, so that you can sleep a little longer and be woken up again after a short time.

snooze: (N) a short light sleep, especially during the day and usually not in bed. Sp. cabezada. E.g. I often have a snooze after lunch. 

snooze: (V) to have a short light sleep, especially during the day and usually not in bed. Sp. dar una cabezada. E.g. My brother was snoozing on the sofa.

13. roll over, then repeat

 roll over: to turn over to face a different direction. E.g. She rolled over to let the sun brown her back. 


Make large 14. purchases,

purchase: /ˈpɜːtʃəs/ the act or process of buying something. E.g. to make a purchase (= buy something)

then lose the 15. receipts /rɪˈsiːts/ 

just "16. Raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath!"

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