- be venerated (as something) The monk was subsequently venerated as a saint.
- be venerated by somebody a leader venerated by generations of revolutionaries
- What teacher did you venerate? Did he make a huge difference in your life?
go/run like clockwork
/ˈləʊkwɒt/ Sp. níspero.
Say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others
to hear. E.g. with object ‘he mumbled something she didn't catch’. with
direct speech ‘‘Sorry,’ she mumbled’
rain on somebody’s parade
rain on (one's) parade: To ruin one's plans or temper one's excitement. E.g. I hate to rain on your parade, but I think your A in chemistry was actually a clerical error. Mom really rained on our parade by chaperoning our school dance
I hate to rain on your parade, but your plans are all wrong. She really rained on our plans.
aloofness: /əˈluːfnəs/ (U) unfriendly behaviour that shows a lack of interest in other people. E.g. Her cool aloofness was seen as arrogance by some people. Being basically a shy person, I think some players mistook my shyness for aloofness.
aloof: /əˈluːf/
1. not friendly or willing to take part in things. E.g. She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.
2. not interested or involved, usually because you do not approve of what is happening. E.g. Whatever is happening in the office, she always remains aloof. She kept herself aloof from her husband's business.
apex: /ˈeɪpeks/ [usually singular] (pl. apexes) the top or highest part of something. E.g. the apex of the roof/triangle (figurative) At 37, she'd reached the apex of her career. At the apex of his power.
in (somebody’s/something’s) thrall, in thrall to somebody/something
(literary) controlled or strongly influenced by somebody/something.
you are in thrall to someone or something, or in the thrall of someone
or something, he, she, or it has a lot of power to control you.
E.g. His gaze held her in thrall. She was in thrall to her emotions. Her love for him was like a madness, and she was completely in its thrall.
at somebody’s beck and call
hurry up! E.g. Chop-chop! We haven't got all day!
off the books
Off the official payroll; paid in cash, without any official employment
paperwork. E.g. I worked off the books in my uncle's restaurant for a
few months during the summer. It's no secret that many migrant workers
are kept off the books at major agricultural and construction operations
around the country.
on/off the/somebody’s ˈbooks
(business) included/not included in the official financial records of a
company. E.g. The company falsified its accounts and kept billions of
dollars in debt off the books.
Burn a hole in your pocket:
phrase usually applied to money, suggesting that the person with the
money feels the need to spend it quickly. E.g. My allowance is burning a
hole in my pocket! I can't wait until school is over, so I can go buy
some baseball cards! Don't let that bonus burn a hole in your
pocket—save it up for something you really want.
If something unexpected costs a lot of money, you can also say 'it's burnt a hole in your pocket'. Let's hear an example.
ExampleA: My daughter is getting married next year.
B: Oh that's fantastic news.
A: Yes, it is. But I think the cost of the wedding will burn a hole in my pocket.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ExampleA: My daughter is getting married next year.
B: Oh that's fantastic news.
A: Yes, it is. But I think the cost of the wedding will burn a hole in my pocket.
statement: E.g. The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows).
on the contrary
1. (informal, disapproving) having a thin weak body.Sp. debilucho E.g. a weedy little man ‘You weedy little coward!’
full of or covered with weedsoffhand (disapproving) not showing much interest in somebody/something. E.g. an offhand manner. He was very offhand with me.
couch something (in something)
(formal) to say or write words in a particular style or manner. E.g. The letter was deliberately couched in very vague terms. I couched my proposal in flattering terms. Sp. Formulé mi propuesta en términos halagüeños.
when a chicken clucks, it makes a series of short low sounds
2. to make a short low sound with your tongue to show that you feel sorry for somebody or that you disapprove of something. E.g. The teacher clucked sympathetically at the child's story. The janitor clucked his tongue at the trail of wet footprints students were leaving on the carpet.
papery: like paper; thin and dry. E.g. papery skin. a papery complexion.
to compete strongly with somebody in order to obtain or achieve something. Compete. E.g.
vie (with somebody) (for something) She was surrounded by men all vying for her attention. The boys would vie with each other to impress her. They are all vying for a place in the team. a row of restaurants vying with each other for business. vie (to do something) Screaming fans vied to get closer to their idol.
(informal) to deliberately not meet somebody you have arranged to meet, especially somebody you are having a romantic relationship with. E.g. I've been stood up!
stand somebody up
a person whose job is to sell goods, for example, in a shop/store
sales representative:
(also informal sales rep, rep)
an employee of a company who travels around a particular area selling the company’s goods to shops/stores, etc.till death us do part
A common phrase used in wedding ceremonies indicating that the marriage bond shall be intended to last until death. Taken from the marriage liturgy in the Anglican Communion's Book of Common Prayer, the phrase refers to the fact that marriage is seen in the Christian faith as insoluble except by the death of one of the partners. (Also worded as "till death do us part," especially in the United States.) E.g. It was only as I said "Till death us do part" that I realized the solemnity and magnitude of our marriage to one another.
God willing.
If God wants it to happen. (An expression indicating that there is a high certainty that something will happen, so high that only God could prevent it.) E.g. John: Please try to be on time. Alice: I'll be there on time, God willing. Bob: Will I see you after your vacation? Mary: Of course, God willing.
out of sorts
(especially British English) ill/sick or upset. E.g. She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home. Are you feeling all right? You look a bit out of sorts. He's been out of sorts since Christmas.
secret or dishonest activities that people find interesting or amusing,
usually of a complicated and humorous or interesting type. E.g. More
business/political shenanigans were exposed in the newspapers today. the
chairman was accused of financial shenanigans.
flower bed:
a piece of ground in a garden/yard or park where flowers are grown. E.g. a garden with beautifully kept flower beds.
godsend: (sg)
godsend (for somebody/something) | godsend (to somebody/something) something good that happens unexpectedly and helps somebody/something when they need help. E.g. This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families. The proposed tax breaks will come as a godsend to low-income families.
fiddle while Rome burns to
enjoy yourself or continue working as normal and not give any attention
to something important and unpleasant that is happening that you should
be taking action to prevent. E.g. Environmentalists claimed governments
were fiddling while Rome burned.
1. a device used for catching small animals and birds, especially one that holds their leg so that they cannot escape. Trap. E.g.
The rabbit’s foot was caught in a snare.
(formal) a situation which seems attractive but is unpleasant and difficult to escape from. E.g. City life can be full of snares for young people.
slick: smooth and difficult to hold or move on. Slippery. E.g. The roads were slick with rain.
nip: to give somebody/something a quick painful bite or pinch. E.g. nip something He winced as the dog nipped his ankle. nip (at something) She nipped at my arm.
wince (at something) to suddenly make an expression with your face that shows that you are feeling pain or embarrassment. E.g. He winced as a sharp pain shot through his left leg. I still wince when I think about that stupid thing I said. He winced inwardly at her harsh tone. She switched on the light, wincing at the sudden brightness.
to be full of people, cars, etc. E.g. The cafes were thronging with students. The streets were thronged with people.
(especially British English) to become smaller or weaker. E.g. The number of tourists tails off in October. ‘But why…?’ Her voice tailed away. The letters then tailed off.
be or try to be more successful than others in doing something that
normally requires more skill, experience, money, etc. than you have. E.g. This player seems to be able to constantly punch above his weight. He punched above his weight as the party’s foreign affairs spokesman.
a thing that annoys people and that they worry about. E.g. Inflation is the government's main bugbear.
Smoking is a particular bugbear of his. As an insomniac, my bugbear is that people always give me advice on getting to sleep.
nip: to give somebody/something a quick painful bite or pinch. E.g. nip something He winced as the dog nipped his ankle. nip (at something) She nipped at my arm.
wince (at something) to suddenly make an expression with your face that shows that you are feeling pain or embarrassment. E.g. He winced as a sharp pain shot through his left leg. I still wince when I think about that stupid thing I said. He winced inwardly at her harsh tone. She switched on the light, wincing at the sudden brightness.
large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful. E.g.
copious (= large) amounts of water I took copious notes. She supports her theory with copious evidence.
copious rainfall. a copious harvest. copious amounts of food. in his
copious account books, he kept track of every cent he ever spent. After
cleaning up the copious amount of blood on my body in a bathroom... The
dinner was copious—we had foie gras, fresh bread, and oranges.
in large amounts. abundantly. E.g. bleeding copiously.
throng: (V)
to go somewhere or be present somewhere in large numbers. E.g. + adv./prep. The children thronged into the hall. throng to do something People are thronging to see his new play. throng something Crowds thronged the stores
throng with somebody/something/ be thronged with somebody/something
throng (N)
a crowd of people. E.g. We pushed our way through the throng. He was met by a throng of journalists and photographers.
to use one cost, payment or situation in order to cancel or reduce the effect of another. Counterbalance. offset something Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials. offset something against something (British English) What expenses can you offset against tax?
The gains offset the losses.
to move with small quick movements. E.g. Her eyelids flickered as she slept.
John flickered an eyelid at the sudden noise. Sp. John movió un párpado con el repentino ruido.
benchmark: something that can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with. E.g. Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured. By the end of the school year, all third-grade students will need to meet this benchmark. Sp.Para finales de curso, todos los alumnos de tercero tendrán que haber alcanzado este punto de referencia.
benchmark: something that can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with. E.g. Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured. By the end of the school year, all third-grade students will need to meet this benchmark. Sp.Para finales de curso, todos los alumnos de tercero tendrán que haber alcanzado este punto de referencia.
the process of caring for your child or children. E.g. good/poor parenting. parenting skills
(abbreviation c)
(used with dates) about. approximately. E.g. born circa 150 BC. He was born circa 1600. the church was built circa 1860
from Human beings are different from other animals. | to Their customs are very different to ours.
with and at the same time as something/somebody else. E.g. The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel. Ann wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband’s.
annihilation: /əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃn/
1. the complete destruction of somebody/something. E.g. the annihilation of the whole human race
2. the complete defeat of somebody/something. E.g. The Brazilian needed just 82 minutes to complete the annihilation of his opponent.
paradigm: /ˈpærədaɪm/ a typical example or pattern of something. a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something. Sp. paradigma E.g. a paradigm for students to copy. The war was a paradigm of the destructive side of human nature. Some of these educators are hoping to produce a change in the current cultural paradigm.
from Human beings are different from other animals. | to Their customs are very different to ours.
in parallel (with something/somebody)
annihilation: /əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃn/
1. the complete destruction of somebody/something. E.g. the annihilation of the whole human race
2. the complete defeat of somebody/something. E.g. The Brazilian needed just 82 minutes to complete the annihilation of his opponent.
paradigm: /ˈpærədaɪm/ a typical example or pattern of something. a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something. Sp. paradigma E.g. a paradigm for students to copy. The war was a paradigm of the destructive side of human nature. Some of these educators are hoping to produce a change in the current cultural paradigm.
extremely beautiful. gorgeous. E.g. a ravishing blonde. She looked absolutely ravishing in a pale blue suit.
/ˈfleər ʌp/
[usually singular]
1. a sudden expression of angry or violent feeling. outburst. E.g. a flare-up of tension between the two sides.
(of an illness) a sudden painful attack, especially after a period without any problems or pain.
the fact of a fire suddenly starting to burn again more strongly than before. E.g. a flare-up of the bushfires
dampener (on something)
a thing that makes something less enjoyable, successful, etc. E.g. Lily isn't letting motherhood put a dampener on her social life. The only dampener on the show was the rain at the closing ceremony. I hate to put a dampener on things but.
nip + adv./prep. (British English, informal) to go somewhere quickly and/or for only a short time. pop. E.g. He's just nipped out to the bank. A car nipped in (= got in quickly) ahead of me.
+ adv./prep. to walk in a slow relaxed way
. Stroll. E.g.
He sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world. He sauntered by, looking very pleased with himself.
Adam sauntered into the room’.
a slow relaxed walk
. Stroll. E.g.
This part of the route should be an easy saunter.
A quiet saunter down the road.
think to
1. To have an inner monologue; to make a statement to oneself in one's mind, without saying it out loud. E.g. I had a moment where I thought to myself, "Why am I even working here?" I'm sure they don't think to themselves, "What if we're the bad guys?" They just don't care.
2. To have the idea to do something. E.g. I'm sorry, I didn't think to run the dishwasher before we left.
tail away/off
punch above your weight
fashionable and expensive in a way that is intended to impress people. E.g. a swanky new hotel.