Interesting vocabulary for the C2 level

hello: /hə ˈləʊ/  /he- /
: /hə ˈləʊ/ /(ˌ)hʌ- /
bow-legged: having legs that curve out at the knees. E.g. I'm so bow-legged that my older brother says I look like I've been riding a bull since the day I was born.

begrudge: /bɪˈɡrʌdʒ/ 1. to feel unhappy that somebody has something because you do not think that they deserve it. E.g. begrudge somebody something You surely don't begrudge him his happiness. begrudge somebody doing something I don't begrudge her being so successful. 2. to feel unhappy about having to do, pay or give something begrudge something I begrudge every second I spent trying to help him. begrudge doing something They begrudge paying so much money for a second-rate service.
pinnacle: /ˈpɪnəkl/ pinnacle of something the most important or successful part of something. E.g. the pinnacle of her career. He spent more than twenty years at the pinnacle of his profession. Formula One is the pinnacle of motor racing. She is at the pinnacle of her profession. the pinnacle of fame/success Sp. la cumbre or la cúspide de la fama/del éxito.

recoup something /rɪˈkuːp/ (formal) to get back an amount of money that you have spent or lost. Recover. E.g. We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year. The firm is hoping to recoup losses on car sales in the UK with this new model.

legionnaires’ disease: /ˌliːdʒəˈneəz dɪziːz/ a serious lung disease caused by bacteria, especially spread by air conditioning and similar systems. E.g. One dead and 17 Brits infected following Legionnaire’s outbreak in Mallorca
rapt: /ræpt/ so interested in one particular thing that you are not aware of anything else. E.g. a rapt audience. She listened to the speaker with rapt attention. He watched her with a rapt expression. Jill stared at them blankly, rapt in thought
a great many: A very large number of (people, things, etc.). E.g. A great many people have joined the protest to voice their concerns over increased taxes.
a good many: a lot of. E.g. There are still a good many empty seats.
take a shine to somebody/something (informal) to begin to like somebody very much as soon as you see or meet them. E.g. He seems to have taken a shine to you.

misanthropic: /ˌmɪsənˈ
θrɒpɪk/ hating and avoiding other people. E.g. his next-door neighbour is a misanthropic Vietnam veteran with a gambling addiction.

numbrous: /ˈnʌmbrəs/ (rare) Numerous, plentiful.

redeem: /rɪˈdiːm/
1. redeem somebody/something
to make somebody/something seem less bad. Compensate. E.g. The excellent acting wasn't enough to redeem a weak plot. The only redeeming feature of the job (= good thing about it) is the salary. She seems to have no redeeming qualities (= good aspects of her character) at all. In an attempt to redeem the situation, Jed offered to help sell tickets.
2. redeem sth/ yourself to do something to improve the opinion that people have of you, especially after you have done something bad. E.g. He has a chance to redeem himself after last week's mistakes. Everyone thought badly of Alan when he was caught stealing from his employer, but he mended his ways and eventually redeemed his reputation. Tess got off to a bad start with her parents-in-law, but she redeemed herself by offering to do the washing up.
3. redeem somebody (in Christianity) to save somebody from the power of evil. E.g. Jesus Christ came to redeem us from sin. He was a sinner, redeemed by the grace of God. Christians believe Christ redeemed mankind.
4. redeem something to pay the full sum of money that you owe somebody; to pay a debt. E.g. to redeem a loan/mortgage. Tim and Abigail redeemed their mortgage last year.
5. redeem something
to exchange something such as shares or vouchers for money or goods. E.g. This voucher can be redeemed at any of our branches. If you're going to the supermarket, you might as well redeem this voucher while you're there. Roberta redeemed a voucher for a bottle of wine at the supermarket.
6. redeem something to get back a valuable object from somebody by paying them back the money you borrowed from them in exchange for the object. E.g. He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop. Bill had pawned his watch and didn't have enough money to redeem it.
7. redeem a pledge/promise (formal) to do what you have promised that you will do. Sp. cumplir. E.g. Kirsty's father asked for his ashes to be scattered on his favourite beach and, after his death, she redeemed her promise to do so.

toe to toe: (of two people) standing directly in front of one another, especially in order to fight or argue. E.g. ‘there's little skill involved—you just stand toe to toe and hit each other!’

sine qua non:
/ˌsɪneɪ kwɑː ˈnəʊn/ [singular] sine qua non (of/for something) (from Latin, formal) something that is essential before you can achieve something else. E.g. TV coverage is the sine qua non of a sport if it is to thrive. Trust is a sine qua non for any counselling.

rise through the ranks: E.g. He rose through the ranks to become managing director.

extemporaneously:/ɪkˌstɛmpəˈreɪnɪəsli/ Carried out or performed with little or no preparation. E.g. I'm going to pose to each of them a question to which they will respond extemporaneously - no PowerPoint presentations, no viewgraphs.

extemporaneous: Carried out or performed with little or no preparation. E.g. an extemporaneous piano recital.

impromptu: /ɪmˈprɒmptjuː/ done without preparation or planning. E.g. an impromptu speech. They often held impromptu meetings in their house.

the patter of tiny feet (informal or humorous) a way of referring to children when somebody wants, or is going to have, a baby. E.g. We can't wait to hear the patter of tiny feet.

patter: the sound that is made by something repeatedly hitting a surface quickly and lightly. E.g. the patter of feet/footsteps. the patter of rain on the roof. I could hear the pitter-patter of feet in the corridor.

pitter-patter: (also pit-a-pat) with quick light steps or beats. E.g. Her heart went pit-a-pat.

gem: a person, place or thing that is especially good. E.g. This picture is the gem (= the best) of the collection. a gem of a place. She's a real gem!

: tending to believe that other people are good, honest, etc. E.g. If you're too trusting, other people will take advantage of you. There is a need for a trusting relationship between client and consultant.
trustful: Having or marked by a total belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone.‘a trustful acceptance of authority’.
trusty: that you have had a long time and have always been able to rely on. E.g. a trusty friend She spent years touring Europe with her trusty old camera.
mistrustful: having no confidence in somebody/something because you think they may be harmful; not trusting somebody/something E.g. mistrustful (of somebody/something) Some people are very mistrustful of computers. Since the accident he has become withdrawn and mistrustful.
mistrust somebody/something to have no confidence in somebody/something because you think they may be harmful; to not trust somebody/something. Distrust. E.g. She mistrusts anyone in a position of authority.
distrust somebody/something to feel that you cannot trust or believe somebody/something. E.g. She distrusted his motives for wanting to see her again.
distrustful unwilling to trust somebody/something. E.g. He has always been distrustful of authority.

impressed: E.g. + by The manager was favourably impressed by Jo's work. + with He was very impressed with her house.

/ˌbækəˈlɔːriət/ the last secondary school exam in France and some other countries, and in some international schools. E.g. to sit/take/pass/fail your baccalaureate.

/ˈnəʊtwɜːði/ deserving to be noticed or to receive attention because it is unusual, important or interesting. Significant. E.g. a noteworthy feature. It is noteworthy that only 15% of senior managers are women. The bridge is noteworthy for its sheer size. the thing that makes this era so noteworthy.

excursion  VERB + EXCURSION go on, make We decided to make an all-day excursion to the island. | arrange, organize |

regarding somebody/something: concerning somebody/something; about somebody/something. E.g. She has said nothing regarding your request. Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.

take advantage of something/somebody: to make use of something well; to make use of an opportunity. E.g. She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. We took full advantage of the hotel facilities.

put your best foot forward to make a great effort to do something, especially if it is difficult or you are feeling tired. to try as hard as you can.  E.g. You really need to put your best foot forward in the interview if you want to get this job. I try to put my best foot forward whenever I meet someone for the first time.

class: E.g. conduct, give, take, teach Who's taking the class today?

1. with little colour, excitement or interest; without anything to attract attention. E.g. bland background music.
not having a strong or interesting taste. E.g. a rather bland diet of soup, fish and bread.

season (something) (with something) to add salt, pepper, etc. to food in order to give it more flavour. E.g. Season the lamb with garlic. Add the mushrooms, and season to taste (= add as much salt, pepper, etc. as you think is necessary). Season the meat well with salt and pepper. highly seasoned food.

sewage works, sewage plant, sewage farm: a place where sewage is treated so that it can be safely got rid of or changed into fertilizer

water-treatment plant, waterworks: a system of buildings and pipes in which a public supply of water is stored and treated and from which it is sent out.

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