Close-up p 23. Nouns: Combinations Task 2

Combine the words in brackets to complete the following sentences using the genitive (Pepe's bar), the preposition "of" or a NOUN+NOUN or ADJECTIVE+NOUN combination.

1. (change, winds)  With the vaccine rollout _________________ are blowing through the whole world.




winds of change


2. (holiday, busman) As a museum curator, Leonard had a _________________ when he went to Paris to visit the Louvre. 


busman's holiday


3. (death, door) He was so thin and his skin was so pale, he looked like he was at ________________.






death's door


4. (hope, glimmer) Although peace talks have broken down between the two warring countries, there remains a _________________ that a truce of some kind can still be reached.


glimmer of hope

5. (truth, grain) The attorney was unable to find a _____________ in the defendant's testimony.


grain of truth


6. (stone, throw) The hotel is only a ___________________ from the beach.






stone’s throw


7. (pocus, hocus) So much of what politicians say is just _______________________.  








tricks used to deceive, or words used to hide what is happening or make it not clear. Sp. truco, engaño.

He thinks osteopathy is a load of hocus-pocus.   

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