On Screen SB p 28. Grammar in Use

 Do Ex 1


bricks and mortar: /ˌbrɪks n ˈmɔːtə(r)/

buildings such as houses, offices, and factories.


The hospital would cost about £37 million in bricks and mortar and another £10 million for equipment.


make strides: improvements in the way something is developing

We're making great strides in the search for a cure.

be at odds (with something)
​to be different from something, when the two things should be the same 


These findings are at odds with what is going on in the rest of the country.

brainchild: an idea or invention of one person or a small group of people.

The TV programme was the brainchild of the producer.

The Alt key

Alt on a computer keyboard is used to change (alternate /ˈɔːltəneɪt/) the function of other pressed keys.

Do Ex 2 

Do Ex 3

Do Ex 4
hard graft: hard work

Their success was the result of years of hard graft.

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