On Screen p 33. Writing

 Do Ex 2 

Read and analyse the task description and the sample answer. 

Study the paragraphs: Topic sentence (the first sentence of a paragraph that gives the main idea of the paragraph) followed by supporting sentences e.g. an explanation or an example that further expands on the topic.

Sample linkers:


for example

take for example

for instance

such as

in particular

more specifically

more specifically: used when you want to add more detailed and exact information. E.g.  The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs 


namely: used to introduce more exact and detailed information about something that you have just mentioned. E.g. We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30.     Josh always wanted to succeed in life; namely, he wanted to get rich. Sp. Josh siempre quiso tener éxito en la vida; específicamente, quería ser rico.


this is because

for this reason

as a consequence

as a result




It follows that

"It follows that" suggests the logical result or next step or consequence from what was said or what happened previously.  Sp. de ello se desprende que, de ahí se deduce que

Example : If you believe that the two most important things are the world in which we live and everyone and everything that lives in it then, IT FOLLOWS THAT new technology should be centred on innovations for the benefit of the world and all that lives in it. It follows that he would not mislead us. Sp. Se deduce de esto que él no nos engañaría.

that is to say

to put it another way

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