On Screen p 51. Fashion Trends. Article. Word Formation

TASK description:

A magazine is inviting readers to write an article about the fashion trends people follow. You decide to write an article commenting on why people follow fashion trends, and assessing if people use fashion as a form of self-expression or not.

Sample answer

Following Fashion- Why Do We Do It?

Is fashion important to you? For most people it is, at least to some extent. From those who wear (1)________ (TREND) ripped jeans and loose-fitting T-shirts to those who wear smart (2)___________ (TAILOR) suits and expensive designer outfits, each individual can have their own style. But why are people following fashion? And what impact can this have on their self-expression?

(3)___________ (ARGUE), one factor that influences what people wear is the need to impress others. People who dress well and keep up with the latest styles seem to be more noticed than those who are not concerned about their (4)____________ (APPEAR). For this reason, people wear fashionable clothing and assume an identity which makes them feel they impress. Yet, by copying general looks, people actually suppress their (5)_____________ (ORIGIN), leading to a conscious or subconscious (6)________________ (SUPPRESS) of their individuality.

At the same time fashion is perceived by some as a tool for success and one that denotes wealth or prestige. For instance, people (7)__________ (INTENTION) try to elevate their status by wearing famous brands or expensive clothes which are admired by others. These clothes are not actually giving a personal statement of the (8)___________ (WEAR) as they are just the means to promote a specific image of power and control. In this case, fashion does not express personal individuality but could perhaps be said to give a false (9)____________ (IMPRESS) of appearance for a specific purpose.

That being said, following fashion may not have anything to do with copying current trends but with using them as an inspiration to create outfits expressing individuality. An example of this is reforming fashionable pieces and making small (10)______________ (PERSONAL) changes. Adding glam here and there, rolling up a pair of trousers or even wearing two different shoes can be considered a form of self-expression demonstrating originality.

Having considered all this, to my way of thinking fashion can be used as a means of communication and a way to communicate your self-image to people around you. As a famous (11)___________ (DESIGN) once said, "Fashion is instant language." 


1. trendy




2. tailored




3. Arguably




4. appearance




5. originality




6. suppression



7. intentionally




8. wearer 



9. impression



10. personalised 



11. designer

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