Close-up p 59. Key Word Transformations

1. The ultimate goal of many learners was to speak like a native, and that was an unrealistic expectation.
Speaking like a native was many learners’ _________________________bar rather high.
2. The fact that many people use English as a lingua franca has led one writer to coin the term, ‘Globish’, a simplified version of English.
A simplified version of English, or __________________________ many people use English as a lingua franca.
3. We had a marvellous meal at that restaurant you recommended - incidentally, I should give you the number of a similar one I know.
We had an out of ____________________________________________to give you the number of a similar one I know.
4. Lisa doesn't talk to me, although having said that, she's doesn't take to anyone.
Lisa and I are not on __________________________________________ on fire with anyone.
5.We had better simplify the language, in order to make ourselves clear.
We had no______________________________________________ as to make ourselves clear.

1. The ultimate goal of many learners was to speak like a native, and that was an unrealistic expectation.
Speaking like a native was many learners’ _________________________bar rather high.


1. The ultimate goal of many learners was to speak like a native, and that was an unrealistic expectation.
Speaking like a native was many learners’ ultimate goal, which was setting the bar rather high.


2. The fact that many people use English as a lingua franca has led one writer to coin the term, ‘Globish’, a simplified version of English.
A simplified version of English, or __________________________ many people use English as a lingua franca.




2. The fact that many people use English as a lingua franca has led one writer to coin the term, ‘Globish’, a simplified version of English.
A simplified version of English, or rather, Globish was coined since many people use English as a lingua franca.

3. We had a marvellous meal at that restaurant you recommended - incidentally, I should give you the number of a similar one I know.
We had an out of ____________________________________________to give you the number of a similar one I know.


3. We had a marvellous meal at that restaurant you recommended - incidentally, I should give you the number of a similar one I know.
We had an out of this world meal at that restaurant you recommended - by the way, I ought to give you the number of a similar one I know.


incidentally adverb/ˌɪnsɪˈdentli/ used to introduce a new topic, or some extra information, or a question that you have just thought of. Synonym by the way. E.g. Incidentally, have you heard the news about Sue?



4. Lisa doesn't talk to me, although having said that, she's doesn't take to anyone.
Lisa and I are not on __________________________________________ on fire with anyone.




4. Lisa doesn't talk to me, although having said that, she's doesn't take to anyone.
Lisa and I are not on speaking terms, but mind you, she doesn't get on like a house on fire with anyone.


5.We had better simplify the language, in order to make ourselves clear.
We had no______________________________________________ as to make ourselves clear.



5.We had better simplify the language, in order to make ourselves clear.
We had no option but to dumb down the language, so as to make ourselves clear.

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