Objective Proficiency p 158. Writing an Article

An international ecology magazine has invited readers to contribute an article to a special edition entitled Ways to save our planet. Write an article outlining the environmental measures you think should be taken by individuals and by governments and evaluating their chances of success.

To see how to write articles click here and also here. You can also get some ideas on how to write articles on pages 90, 91, 158, 159, 174 & 175. Finally, you can find useful language for writing here.   
Get some ideas on the topic here:
Objective Proficiency p 112. The Future of Wind Power. Extra Listening and Reading 
Objective Proficiency p 24. The Weather and Climate Change. Extra Speaking
Speakout Advanced p 47. The Environment. Extra Speaking
Speakout Advanced p 75. Story of Stuff. Extra Listening
Ready for CAE p 158. HOME (English with subtitles). Extra Listening

Useful vocabulary for this topic

a population in excess of 6 billion people
this can lead us to extinction
Arctic ice has thawed into the oceans 
Appearances can be deceptive
We are playing with fire
It is of the utmost importance that we stem (stop the flow) greenhouse gas emissions as they are at the root of the problem. No mean feat (not easy) by the way.
Governments should stop protecting the energy companies' vested interests (private interests), and instead, help to bring about a sustainable energy model, based on renewable resources. 
red tape: official rules that seem more complicated than necessary and prevent things from being done quickly. E.g. You have to go through endless red tape to get solar panels or to set up a solar farm (also solar park or photovoltaic power station). 
Consumers should buy products that try to minimize the carbon footprint. It only consists in buying locally produced groceries.
carpool: if a group of people carpool, they travel to work together in one car and divide the cost between them. E.g. Needless to say, carpooling and the use of public transport help to reduce pollution levels.
unbridled /ʌnˈbraɪdld/ not controlled and therefore extreme. E.g. We need to put a stop to this unbridled shopping spree that has taken hold of (control) society at large (as a whole; in general).
It is generally accepted that the situation has come to a head (if a situation comes to a head, you are forced to deal with it quickly because it suddenly becomes very bad)
Without a shadow of a doubt our survival is at stake (that can be won or lost, depending on the success of a particular action. Sp . en juego. E.g. We cannot afford to take risks when people's lives are at stake. The prize at stake is a place in the final).

Another idea for an article:
An English-language newspaper is inviting readers to contribute to a series of articles about clothing. You decide to write an article about wearing the right clothes for the right occasion. You can find useful vocabulary to talk about clothing here.

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