On Screen p 41. Express Yourself

 Read the title of the module: Express Yourself

What is the module about?


communication, relationships and individuality

Do Ex 1

fact-orientated (adj): focused on real pieces of information

e.g. John's research was fact-orientated and was mainly based on real information.

methodical (adj): systematic

e.g. Thanks to Brian's methodical approach, the team was able to improve its performance.

perfectionist (adj): showing obsession with high standards

e.g. Henry is such a perfectionist, always checking over his work making sure that it's only of the highest quality!

expressive (adj): showing feelings clearly

e.g. Being such an expressive communicator, Bob is good at clearly showing how he feels.

Der.: expressiveness (n)

Opp.: expressionless

spontaneous (adj): /spɒnˈteɪniəs/ acting on a sudden desire

e.g. Maggie tends to be very spontaneous and does things on the spur of the moment whenever she feels like it.

Der.: spontaneity (n)

visionary (adj): /ˈvɪʒənri/ having the ability to foresee how sth will develop in the future

e.g. Tom's a real visionary; his work has helped develop amazing new breakthroughs.

impulsive (adj): acting without prior consideration

e.g. Being so impulsive, John often acts rashly (recklessly. Sp temerariamente) without thinking things through first.

Der.: impulsiveness (n)

amiable (adj): /ˈeɪmiəbl/ pleasant; friendly and easy to like.

e.g. Fred's amiable personality is what makes him so well-liked by the rest of the workers.

Der.: amiability (n)

empathetic (adj): showing understanding of another person's feelings

e.g. Being empathetic and compassionate, Jake is highly appreciated by all of his colleagues.

submissive (adj): willing to obey orders and wishes
e.g. Steve is so submissive and eager to please that he ends up taking on more work than he can handle.

Der.: submissiveness (n)

decisive (adj): being able to make a decision in a confident manner very quickly

e.g. Denise is so decisive at work; she never hesitates and she's very confident in her choices.

Der.: decisiveness (n)

Opp.: indecisive

forthright (adj): /ˈfɔːθraɪt/ outspoken, straightforward. Direct and honest in manner and speech. Sp. Directo, sincero.

e.g. The chairman was forthright and blunt when discussing the company's financial situation.

blunt:  (of a person or remark) very direct; saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite.


She has a reputation for blunt speaking.     

To be blunt, your work is appalling.

dominating (adj): controlling

e.g. Eric is certainly dominating and believes he can order his employees around.

Do Ex 2

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