Objective Proficiency p 143. Pride. Vocabulary

  • Look up to somebody: to admire or respect somebody. E.g. He looked up to his older sister and cousins as an example and was influenced by their ways and the music they listened to. 
  • Have a good head on your shoulders: to be a sensible person. E.g. John has a good head on his shoulders and can be depended on to give good advice.
  • Sober: /ˈsəʊbə(r)/ serious and sensible. E.g. He is honest, sober and hard-working.
  • Sobriety: /səˈbraɪəti/ the fact of being sensible and serious. E.g.  She was a model of sobriety and honesty.


  • To look down on sb/sth: to think that you are better than somebody/something. E.g. She looks down on people who haven't been to college.
  • To look down your nose at sb/sth: (informal, especially British English) to behave in a way that suggests that you think that you are better than somebody or that something is not good enough for you. E.g. He looked down his nose at them. He criticized and screamed at employees. He publicly humiliated any employee who made a mistake.
  • Go to your head: to make you feel too proud of yourself in a way that other people find annoying. E.g. Don't let all this praise go to your head.
  • Pretentious: /prɪˈtenʃəs/ trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress. E.g. That's a pretentious name for a dog! It was just an ordinary house—nothing pretentious. He's so pretentious!
  • Haughty: behaving in an unfriendly way towards other people because you think that you are better than them. Arrogant. E.g. a haughty face/look/manner. He replied with haughty disdain.
  • Scornful: showing or feeling scorn. E.g. He was scornful of such ‘female’ activities as cooking.
  • Scorn: a strong feeling that somebody/something is stupid or not good enough, usually shown by the way you speak. E.g. She was unable to hide the scorn in her voice.
  • Pour/heap scorn on somebody/something: to speak about somebody/something in a way that shows that you do not respect them or have a good opinion of them. E.g. He heaped scorn on the government's handling of the economy.
  • Disdainful (of somebody/something): showing disdain. E.g. She's always been disdainful of people who haven't been to college.
  • Contemptuous:  /kənˈtemptʃuəs/ feeling or showing that you have no respect for somebody/something. E.g. The company has shown a contemptuous disregard for Henry's complaints. He was contemptuous of everything I did.
  • Contempt: /kənˈtempt/: the feeling that somebody/something is without value and deserves no respect at all. E.g. She looked at him with contempt.
  • Obsequious: / əbˈsiːkwiəs/ trying too hard to please somebody, especially somebody who is important. Servile . E.g. an obsequious manner. Smiling obsequiously. 
  • Servile: /ˈsɜːvaɪl /wanting too much to please somebody and obey them E.g. Parents have no right to demand servile obedience from their children
  • Crawl (to somebody): (informal, disapproving) to be too friendly or helpful to somebody in authority, in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get an advantage from them. E.g. She's always crawling to the boss.
  • Creep (to somebody): (British English, informal, disapproving) to be too friendly or helpful to somebody in authority in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get an advantage from them. E.g. They creep to the boss and claim good work by somebody else as their own and shift any blame to somebody else.
  • Suck up (to somebody): (informal, disapproving) to try to please somebody in authority by praising them too much, helping them, etc, in order to gain some advantage for yourself. E.g. I never sucked up to my teachers, and I'm not going to start now.
  • Butter sb up: to say nice things to somebody so that they will help you or give you something. E.g. Stop trying to butter me up! He's always trying to butter up the boss.
  • Creep: a person who is not sincere but tries to win your approval by being nice to you. E.g. He's the sort of creep who would do that kind of thing!
  • Crawler :a person who tries to get somebody's favour by praising them, doing what will please them, etc. E.g. Don't be such a crawler. 
  • Brown-noser (offensive); arse (Br E) /ass (Am E) kisser/licker (offensive); Butt licker/kisser (less offensive): a person who is too friendly to somebody in authority and is always ready to do what they want. E.g. He is a butt kisser who just wants to be told he's a "good boy." 
  • Teacher's pet a person who is given special attention by somebody, especially in a way that seems unfair to other people. Favourite. E.g. She's the teacher's pet.
  • Brazen: open and without shame, usually about something that people find shocking. Shameless. Sp. Descarado. E.g. She had become brazen about the whole affair. His brazen admission that he was cheating. She had brazenly admitted allowing him back into the house.
  • blatant(of actions that are considered bad) done in an obvious and open way without caring if people are shocked. E.g. a blatant attempt to buy votes. It was a blatant lie.
  • flagrant /ˈfleɪɡrənt/ (of an action) shocking because it is done in a very obvious way and shows no respect for people, laws, etc. E.g. In flagrant disobedience of her father, Ivy stayed out all night.
  • barefaced /ˈbeəfeɪst/ showing that you do not care about offending somebody or about behaving badly. Sp. descarado. E.g. a barefaced lie/ liar. The company's claim that profits had jumped by ten per cent was obviously a barefaced lie. John was at the pub last night bragging about his goal-scoring again – but we all know he's a barefaced liar. Listen to BBC Learning English


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