On Screen WB 1b p 6. Vocabulary

 Do Ex 1

raw deal: unfair treatment. E.g. Customers are getting a raw deal and are rightly angry.

pay through the nose: to pay too much money for something. E.g. We paid through the nose to get the car fixed.

Do Ex 2

Do Ex 3

sail through: to do something easily and confidently. E.g. She sailed through her final exams.

Do Ex 4

fly in the face of something: to be the opposite of what most people think is reasonable, sensible, or normal. E.g. He likes to fly in the face of convention.

Do Ex 5

a plethora of something: /ˈpleθərə/ a very large number of something, usually more than you need. E.g.  a plethora of suggestions. The report contained a plethora of detail. There's a plethora of books about the royal family. The plethora of regulations is both contradictory and confusing.

scoop:  information about something. Sp. exclusiva.


the inside scoop (=special information that other people do not have) on the markets. 

What’s the scoop? (=used to ask for information or news)

The young journalist was excited about getting his first scoop.

throw caution to the wind(s): to ignore the risks and deliberately behave in a way that may cause trouble or problems. E.g.  I threw caution to the winds and followed him.

peace-loving/fun-loving/home-loving etc

thinking that peace, having fun etc is very important. E.g.  a peace-loving nation

colourful: interesting, exciting, and full of variety. 


colourful history/past/career/life. 

Charlie Chaplin had a long and colourful career.

a colourful character/figure (=someone who is interesting and unusual)

The town, of course, has a very colourful history/past. 

The old city around the cathedral is the most colourful part of town.

receptive /rɪˈseptɪv/ adjective    willing to consider new ideas or listen to someone else’s opinions. 


You might find them in a more receptive mood tomorrow.  

a receptive audience. 

receptive to:  a workforce that is receptive to new ideas

spur-of-the-moment adjective [only before noun] a spur-of-the-moment decision or action is made or done suddenly without planning. SYN spontaneous. E.g. a spur-of-the-moment decision/plan/visit.

on the spur of the moment: if you do something on the spur of the moment, you do it suddenly and do not take time to plan it or think carefully about it. E.g. I decided on the spur of the moment to invite him.

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