On Screen WB p 15. Would rather/ sooner

would rather/ sooner

To refer to the present or future
would rather/ sooner + bare infinitive is used for current, general or future preference.

She'd rather not borrow any money from you.
I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema

If the subject of would rather/sooner is not the same as the subject of the verb which follows, the past simple/continuous is used.

Jan would rather/sooner we bought a house than carried on renting.
Would you rather/sooner I was begging in the streets?

To refer to the past

would rather/ sooner + perfect infinitive is used for past preference.

We stayed in a hotel but I'd sooner have slept in a tent

If the subject of would rather/sooner is not the same as the subject of the verb which follows, the past perfect is used.
Would you rather I hadn't said anything about it to Matt?

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