Objective Proficiency p 24. Michael McIntyre's Big Show. Extra Listening

Ellie Goulding has just sung the song Still (1)__________________.
Social media is a very (2)_______________ everybody's lives.
People are always (3)_________________ what they are doing in their lives.
If members of the audience have been doing that, they are going to feel a (4)____________.
Michael thinks that Jake is wearing a (5)__________________.
Michael says that he was (6)____________ happy for the young couple.
The people in the next picture call themselves (7)____________.
Michael tells them they cannot make up (8)__________________________.
Josh says they are absolutely (9)____________.
Michael: what a (10)_____________________ a Josh!
It is known that Josh is (11)______________.
Norman is very (12)_______________ Josh's lifestyle on social media. That's why he wanted Michael's help to (13)______________.
Josh is so embarrassed that he keeps on saying: (14)_____________.
Michael does not remember Josh's (15)________________ not allowing this.
Norman was inspired by Josh and thought he would have (16)____________.
Josh says that in the picture he was being a (17)_________.
When asked about his part-time job, Josh says that that is so (18)_____________.
Michael wonders if any of Josh's (19)_____________________ are in the (20)__________________.
Michael wonders if Josh's motivation for the picture was him forgetting how One Potato, Two Potatoes (21)_________.
We are going to look at how Norman's modelling (22)_______________.
Norman shows pictures of Josh to the hairdresser ant tells her he is (23)___________.
The photographer asks Norman to give him a little bit of a (24)___________.
The photographer tells Norman that he looks really (25)_______________.
The photographer honestly thinks that Norman gave Josh (26)_________________.
Josh says that (27)___________ is absolutely (28)___________. Cooler than him (29)_______________.
Michael describes Norman as an absolute (30)____________.

1. Falling For You
fall for somebody: to be strongly attracted to somebody; to fall in love with somebody. E.g. They fell for each other instantly.

2. big part of 

3. updating 

4. little bit tense 

5. comedy wig 

6. way too
way: a lot. E.g. This skirt is way (= a lot) too short. 

7. worldies
worldie: a world class thing or person. E.g. That girl's a worldie! (means she is pretty). This brew is a worldie (a top class cup of tea, worthy of a king).
world-class: as good as the best in the world a world-class athlete.

8. terminology on the spot
on the spot: immediately. E.g.  He answered the question on the spot. an on-the-spot parking fine. You can be sacked on the spot for stealing.

9. peng
peng: good-looking. E.g. Look at her, she is absolutely peng!!  

10. fine figure of 

11. a bit of a poster
poster: someone who publishes something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media. E.g. There was a lively debate on the message boards (= a place on a website where people can read or write messages), with many posters arguing against the plan.

12. intrigued by 

13. get involved 

14. oh my days! used to emphasize what you are saying when you are surprised, shocked or annoyed E.g. Oh my days! Is that true?

15. privacy settings: the part of a social networking website, internet browser, piece of software, etc. that allows you to control who sees information about you.

16. a little go 

17. tool
tool: an insulting word for a person who you dislike very much or who behaves very stupidly. 

18. cringey (embarrassing)

19. modelling shots

20. public domain 

21. goes
One potato two potatoes song 

22. played out
play outwhen an event is played out, it happens. E.g. Their love affair was played out against the backdrop of war.

23. a poser (also poseur)

poser (also poseur): someone who behaves in a particular way to make people notice them, admire them, or be impressed by them. E.g. He’s such a poser on the dance floor.

24. pout: /paʊt/ an expression on your face in which your lips are pushed out to show you are annoyed or to look sexually attractive. E.g. Her lips were set in a pout of annoyance. 

25. dapper: with a neat appearance and nice clothes. E.g. he looked very dapper in a dark silk suit. 

26. a run for his money.
give you a run for your money to be as good at something as someone who is known to be extremely good. To compete very well against someone so that it is hard for them to defeat you. E.g. He was a very good actor and could have given any professional a run for his money. I think only Liverpool will be able to give Manchester United a run for their money next season. A new phone company is giving the others a run for their money.

27. gramps
gramps: an affectionate and familiar term for a grandfather.

28. class: very good. E.g.  a class player/performer. She's a real class act. 

29. By a mile 
better by a mile/ by miles/miles better: much greater or better than something/ someone else. E.g. Restaurant food is better by miles/miles better than it used to be 20 years ago. Of all the strawberry ice-creams we've tasted, this is the best by miles. Everyone expected him to win the championship by a mile. 

30. legend
legend: a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people. E.g.  a jazz/tennis, etc. legend. She was a legend in her own lifetime. Many of golf's living legends were playing. A legend in the world of music


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