Objective Proficiency p 28. Anger. Extra Vocabulary

Air rage:

when someone gets uncontrollably angry on a flight.


a slightly angry or impatient feeling - A dog that barks constantly can be a source of annoyance to the neighbours.

Go off on one 

(British English, informal) to suddenly become very angry. E.g. Now and again she really goes off on one.

Blow a fuse:  

to suddenly become very angry. Sp. Salirse de sus casillas. Explotar, ponerse como una fiera.

Blow your top

(British English) (North American English blow your stack) (informal) to get very angry. 

Feel tense:

feeling nervous and not relaxed, usually because you are worried about what is going to happen.


boiling over with anger (coll. like when steam is coming out of your ears). E.g. Motorists are fuming over the latest petrol shortages.
Fume: /fjuːm/ to be very angry about something.


 /ˈfjʊəriəs/ marked by extreme anger or force (He was absolutely _____! the _______ howl of the wind)


/ˈfjʊəri/ violent uncontrollable anger, "Beware the fury of a patient man."


/ˈlɪvɪd/ extremely angry. Furious. E.g. Dad will be livid when he finds out.

Go berserk / mad:

/bəˈzɜːk/ to become violent and uncontrolled because you are very angry - One man went berserk when approached and stabbed two police officers. Sp. Desquiciado, frenético, ponerse hecho una furia.

up the wall

(informal) crazy or angry. E.g. That noise is driving me up the wall. I mustn't be late or Dad will go up the wall.

Go ballistic:

/bəˈlɪstɪk/ to become very angry. E.g. He went ballistic when I told him.


a feeling of being annoyed or impatient - He felt slight irritation at being kept waiting.

Lose control / your rag:

to get very angry.
rag: a piece of old, often torn, cloth used especially for cleaning things.

get the better of somebody

 if a feeling gets the better of you, it becomes too strong to control Finally curiosity got the better of her and she opened the letter. Try to remain calm - don't let your anger get the better of you.



a feeling of being unhappy or angry. You can be in a bad ___ or a good ____.


/ˈhʌfi/ in a bad mood, especially because somebody has annoyed or upset you. Angry and upset because people have offended you or will not do what you want. E.g. She gets all huffy if you mention his name. I told her she'd made a ​mistake and she got huffy with me.


a strong feeling of anger and shock at something that you feel is wrong or unfair. E.g. The judge's remarks caused public outrage. She was filled with an overwhelming sense of outrage. Environmentalists have expressed outrage at the ruling. Generate outrage. Provoke outrage. Spark outrage. The news was greeted with outrage. Feel outrage. Express outrage. Shopkeepers voiced their outrage at the new tax.


very strong and uncontrolled anger - "Most comics make jokes to defend themselves against what they see as a hostile and inhumane world often a deeply felt rage. Blind rage
Blind: (of strong feelings) seeming to be unreasonable, and accepted without question; seeming to be out of control. E.g. blind faith/obedience. It was a moment of blind panic. 


an angry unhappy feeling that you have when you think you have been treated unfairly or without enough respect - You seem to be harbouring some resentment against your boss.


/ɡrʌdʒ/ grudge (against somebody) a feeling of anger or dislike towards somebody because of something bad they have done to you in the past. E.g. I bear him no grudge. He has a grudge against the world. She has harboured a grudge against me for years. I don't hold any grudges now.


 /ˈræŋkə(r)/ feelings of hatred and a desire to hurt other people, especially because you think that somebody has done something unfair to you. Bitterness. E.g. There was rancour in his voice. They divorced with remarkably little rancour. She learned to accept criticism without rancour.


angry and unhappy feelings caused by the belief that you have been treated unfairly. Sp. rencor. E.g. The pay cut caused bitterness among the staff. She feels no bitterness towards him. He's never shown any bitterness. His bitterness against/ towards his own father.

road rage:

violence and angry behaviour by car drivers towards other car drivers.

air rage:

/ˈeə reɪdʒ/ a situation in which a passenger on a plane becomes violent or aggressive, usually because of stress or anxiety related to flying.

trolley rage:

describes customers' unreasonably aggressive behaviour towards other shoppers 

Throw / have a fit:

to be very shocked, upset or angry. E.g. Your mother would have a fit if she knew you'd been drinking!

Throw/ have a tantrum:

/ˈtæntrəm/ when children behave in an uncontrollably angry manner especially when the answer is 'no'. An occasion when someone suddenly behaves in a very angry and unreasonable way, often screaming, crying, or refusing to obey someone. This word is usually used about children. She _________ when she can't have the toy she wants. Sp. Tener una pataleta, rabieta, un berrinche.


1 [countable, usually singular, uncountable] if somebody has a temper, they become angry very easily. E.g. a violent/short/quick, etc. temper. He must learn to control his temper. She broke the plates in a fit of temper. After an hour of waiting, tempers began to fray (= people began to get angry). To lose one’s temper (with sby): To fail / manage to control your anger. Perder los estribos. An outburst of temper: A sudden strong expression of anger. Un arranque / arrebato de ira.

2 [countable, usually singular] a short period of feeling very angry. E.g. to fly into a temper. She says awful things when she's in a temper. Some small children have terrible temper tantrums.

Fly off the handle: 

(informal) to suddenly become extremely angry without a good reason. E.g. He seems to fly off the handle about the slightest thing these days.

Let rip (at somebody):

(informal) to speak or do something with great force, enthusiasm, anger etc. and without control (i.e. shout). E.g. When she gets angry with her boyfriend, she really lets rip at him.The group let rip with a single from their new album.

To become irate:

/aɪˈreɪt/ Very angry. Sp. Indignarse, airado, furioso. 

To seethe with anger:

To feel very angry but to be unable or unwilling to express it clearly or openly. Sp. Estar furioso, hervirte la sangre.

To be/get cross (with somebody):

To be annoyed, angry. Sp. Enfadado, enojado. E.g. I was cross with him for being late. Please don't get cross. Let me explain 

browned off (with somebody/something) 

bored, unhappy and/or annoyed. Fed up. E.g. By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay.

A heated argument:

A discussion full of anger and excitement. Sp. Una discusión acalorada.

vent something (on somebody) 

(formal) to express feelings, especially anger, strongly. E.g. He vented his anger on the referee.

give (full) vent to something:

(formal) to express a feeling, especially anger, strongly. E.g.  Children give vent to their anger in various ways. She gave full vent to her feelings in a violent outburst. 

To fly into a rage:

To suddenly become very angry. Sp. Ponerse hecho una furia, montar en cólera.

To scream one’s head off:

(informal) to scream a lot and very loudly. Sp. Berrear. E.g. Suzy screamed her head off when I told her she couldn't have an ice cream cone. .

To scream blue murder:

to scream loudly and for a long time, especially in order to protest about sthg. Sp. Poner el grito en el cielo. E.g. Readers screamed blue murder when the price of their daily paper went up. Someone took the child's ice cream away and he started screaming bloody murder.

rant and rave: 

(disapproving) to show that you are angry by shouting or complaining loudly for a long time. E.g. I get ​fed up with my ​mother ranting and ​raving about my ​clothes all the ​time. He ranted and raved for hours. Sp. despotricó durante varias horas.


to speak or complain about something in a loud and/or angry way. Sp despotricar. E.g. He's always ranting (on) about the ​government. To rant at sb (=be angry). Sp. despotricar contra algn.

rave (at somebody) 

to shout in a loud and emotional way at somebody because you are angry with them. Sp. despotricar. E.g. She was shouting and raving at them. 

rave (about somebody/something) 

to talk or write about something in a very enthusiastic way. Sp. poner por las nubes. E.g. The critics raved about his performance in ‘Hamlet’.  


(plural beefs) informal (N) a complaint, grievance or disagreement. I have a beef with someone or something over or about something else. E.g. he has a beef with education: it doesn’t teach the basics of investing. What's his beef? What's his latest beef? I have a beef with you about this menu. My beef is you don't have vegetarian food. I had a beef with my teacher about the amount of homework we were getting. Mark had a beef with his wife over parking their car. He thought she always parked it very badly. Listen to this BBC dialogue about this phrase.

beef (about somebody/something) 

(informal) (V)  to complain a lot about somebody/ something. E.g. Don't just beef about it—do something! He was beefing about how the recession was killing the business.

grievance (against somebody)  

something that you think is unfair and that you complain or protest about. E.g. Parents were invited to air their grievances(= express them) at the meeting. He had been nursing a grievance against his boss for months. Harbour a grievance. Have a grievance

sound off (about something) 

(informal, disapproving) to express your opinions loudly or in an aggressive way. Sp. despotricar. E.g. He's always sounding off about falling standards in education. Pietro started sounding off to the press. Maria's always sounding off about politics.

let fly (at somebody/something) (with something) 

to attack somebody by hitting them or speaking angrily to them. E.g. He let fly at me with his fist. The teacher really let fly at Jeff. She let fly with a stream of abuse. 


rude and offensive remarks, usually made when somebody is very angry. Insults. to scream/ hurl (throw)/ shout abuse. A stream/ torrent of abuse. The man burst into a torrent of foul-mouthed racist abuse. 


using rude, offensive language. E.g. a foul-mouthed racist.

boil (with something)  

if you boil with anger, etc. or anger, etc.boils inside you, you are very angry. E.g. He was boiling with rage. 

boil over 

to become very angry. E.g. Racial tensions in the area were boiling over.

/ˈaʊtkraɪ/ outcry (at/over/against something) a reaction of anger or strong protest shown by people in public. E.g. an outcry over the proposed change. The new tax provoked a public outcry. There was outcry at the judge's statement. To raise an outcry about sth: Sp. levantar fuertes protestas por algo.


/ˈʌprɔː(r)/ [uncountable, singular] a situation in which there is a lot of public criticism and angry argument about something that somebody has said or done. Outcry. E.g. The article caused (an) uproar. Great | mild | emotional uproar. Cause, provoke uproar. The trial proceeded amid uproar. Financial markets were in uproar after the crash of the rouble. The classroom was in an uproar. There was a great uproar over plans to pull down the old library.


 /fjuˈrɔːri/ /ˈfjʊərɔː(r)/ (also furor /ˈfjʊərɔː(r)/) [singular] great anger or excitement shown by a number of people, usually caused by a public event. Uproar. E.g. furore (among somebody) His novel about Jesus caused a furore among Christians. Furore (about/over something) the recent furore over the tax increases. Such a major policy reversal is certain to spark a furore among conservatives. Cause, create, provoke a furore His choice of words created quite a furore. The furore which surrounded her appointment as chairman. His resignation passed almost unnoticed amid the furore of the elections. The furore about/over/surrounding the furore over the proposed introduction of tax on fuel. The sale of the two best players caused a furore among the fans.

to let off steam:

To do or say sthg that helps you to get rid of strong feelings or energy. E.g. I went for a long walk to let off steam. Sp. Desahogarse, dar rienda suelta a su indignación o energía.

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