Objective Proficiency p 26. Joe Bloggs. Extra Listening

Joe Bloggs: a way of referring to a typical ordinary person. An average or typical man. E.g. This stereo system is the most expensive in the range and is not the sort of thing that Joe Bloggs would buy.
A: Bright purple jacket? Sparkly blue skirt? Who wears such outrageous clothes?
B: Well, this fashion designer is popular among the very trendy. These clothes are not for Joe Bloggs!

Tom, Dick, and/or Harry: an ordinary person/all ordinary people. E.g. You'd better get an electrician to fix this - you don't want any Tom, Dick, or Harry messing around with your wiring. Listen, this is a very exclusive party I'm inviting you to. Don't go around talking about it or every Tom, Dick and Harry will end up there.

John Doe: (Jane Doe when the victim is female) 1. a name used in a law court for a person whose real name is kept secret or is not known. E.g. Detective: The John Doe found at the scene is in the morgue right now. We're waiting for the DNA test results to identify the body. 2. an average or typical person.

morgue /mɔːɡ/ a building in which dead bodies are kept before they are buried or cremated (= burned). E.g. They found his body lying in the city morgue. This place is like a morgue!

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