Objective Proficiency p 17. Paper Planes. Group Dynamics

1. Make a paper plane.
2. Write a question including words and expressions from the unit.
E.g. Do you travel on a shoestring budget or in the lap of luxury?

3. Throw the paper plane as far as you can.
4. Pick up one of the crash-landed paper planes.
5. Add one more question.
6. Throw the paper plane as far as you can one more time.
7. Pick up one of the crash-landed paper planes again.
8. Add one more question.
9. Throw the paper plane as far as you can one more time.
10. Pick up one of the crash-landed paper planes again.
11. Get into groups.
12. Discuss the questions.
13. Each group shares some of the highlights with the rest of the class

in the lap of luxury
in easy, comfortable conditions, and enjoying the advantages of being rich. E.g. We spent two weeks in the hotel living in the lap of luxury. Men in white clothes are living in the lap of luxury.

on a shoestring 
(informal) using very little money. E.g. In the early years, the business was run on a shoestring. Some people get by on a shoestring budget. The players are not living on a shoestring budget.

crash-land (something) if a plane crash-lands or a pilot crash-lands it, the pilot lands it roughly in an emergency, usually because it is damaged and cannot land normally.

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