On Screen p 17: Essay about the impacts of tourism. Written mediation task. Cloze

Read the instructions for the task. With the information given, produce a text using your own words. (approximately 200 words)

Task description


You have had a class discussion on the impacts of tourism. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay for your class based on two texts that you have recently read and to analyse the positive and negative impacts of tourism. Include your own opinions on this subject.

Write your essay

1) TEXT 1

Modern Tourism 

Global tourism has experienced continued growth and deepening diversification in the latter decades of the twentieth century. It has made it possible for us to travel the world and broaden our horizons, diminishing our attachment to cultural stereotypes. And this cultural value is not the only aspect to be considered. The more people travel around the world, the greater the economic benefits to host countries. Destinations around the world which might otherwise have stagnated financially can flourish as tourists explore attractions and natural landscapes which are often the key reason for the initial interest in the area.

2) TEXT 2

Impacts of Tourism

It appears that people travelling around the world are oblivious to the detrimental effects of mass tourism. This can be clearly seen in the case of industry leaders undercutting small local businesses in popular tourist destinations. Governments around the world appear to neglect this issue and actively promote mass tourism for financial reasons.

And as tourism numbers grow, so does environmental degradation due to air travel emissions and land pollution. Only serious action from local authorities is likely to resolve economic and environmental issues arising from the tourism industry.


undercut somebody/something to sell goods or services at a lower price than your competitors.


to undercut somebody’s prices     

We were able to undercut our European rivals by 5% 

Impacts of Modern Tourism

Travel and tourism have had massive impacts (1)_________ the world. Not only (2)__________ they have lasting effects on the traveller but also on local people in the host countries (3)__________ are visited. (4)__________, careful consideration should be given to this issue focusing both (5)________ the benefits and drawbacks of modern tourism. 

On one hand, it should be pointed out that the worldwide boom (6)_________ travel in recent decades has had positive impacts in two main areas. Firstly, it has had cultural value by broadening our (7)_________ and reducing our preconceptions about people from other places. (8)__________, few people would disagree that it has greatly improved the economic conditions in many places that are tourist destinations. In my view, we should not forget the additional benefits in (9)_________ of overseas investment and development of infrastructure also.
On the other hand, we should raise the (10)__________ that tourists often do not appreciate the negative repercussions of their decision to travel. Besides, this is also a problem that is conveniently ignored by the authorities of many countries in (11)_________ to stimulate the local economy. Things (12)__________ as they are, large services providers often flood the market as a result of this at the (13)__________ of smaller businesses.
Opponents of tourism also argue that pollution and damage (14)___________ the natural world rises hand-in-hand with the surge (15)_________ the numbers of tourists visiting an area.

Clearly, there are different views on the impacts of tourism. By and (16)_____________, tourism has grown massively in recent years. To a (17)_________ extent this has had positive effects on tourist destinations. (18)___________, in my opinion, the growth of tourism has serious negative impacts also. In (19)__________, both travellers and governments must be responsible to limit any harm (20)________ everyone’s benefit.




1. upon/on




2. do 




3. that/which 




4. Thus/Therefore/ So 




5. on 




6. in 




7. minds 




8. Furthermore/Moreover/Additionally 




9. terms

in terms of:

in relation to. Sp. en terminos de/ desde el punto de vista.


Femininity is still defined in terms of beauty.  

It’s a mistake to think of Florida only in terms of its tourist attractions.  




10. issue 




11. order 




12. being

"Things being as they are" usually means "Because things are not different from what they are". Sp. así las cosas.  




13. expense

at the expense of somebody/something 

if something is done at the expense of someone or something else, it is only achieved by doing something that could harm the other person or thing. En detrimento de, a costa de. 


the growth in short breaks, at the expense of longer package holidays  




14. to 

hand in hand, hand-in-hand adv    together. Sp.   codo con codo E.g.    

Poverty and social unrest usually go hand in hand. Sp. La pobreza y la inestabilidad social van siempre codo con codo.




15. in 




16. large

by and large      ​

used when you are saying something that is generally, but not completely, true.


By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.




17. certain  




18. However/ Nevertheless/ Nonetheless 




19. conclusion 




20. for

If you say that someone is doing something for the benefit of a particular person, you mean that they are doing it for that person. 


You need people working for the benefit of the community. 

He doesn't have to go through this elaborate display for my benefit!  

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