On Screen SB p 13. Speaking Skills

Do Ex 1

jump out at somebody ​to be very obvious and easily noticed. Synonym: leap. Sp. saltar a la vista a alguien.

The mistake in the figures jumped out at me.

I don’t like jewellery that jumps out at you. 

That's a very effective advertisement - it really jumps out at you.

setting: an environment where something is located; the place at which something happens.

a rural/an ideal/a beautiful/an idyllic setting
setting for something It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.


bookmark: to save the address of a page on the Internet so that you can find it again easily.


Do you want to bookmark this site? 


Do Ex 2

ambivalent: /æmˈbɪvələnt/

ambivalent (about/towards somebody/something) having or showing both positive and negative feelings about somebody/something. Not sure whether you want or like something or not.  Sp. indeciso


We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child.

ambivalent attitude/feelings etc

She seems to feel ambivalent about her new job.
He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.

Many couples are ambivalent about having children. Sp. Muchas parejas no tienen claro si quieren tener hijos o no.


entertain something (formal) to consider or allow yourself to think about an idea, a hope, a feeling, etc.      


He had entertained hopes of a reconciliation.     to entertain a doubt/suspicion 

I would definitely entertain the possibility of studying abroad. 


Do Ex 3


marvel (at something) | marvel that…  to be very surprised or impressed by something.

Everyone marvelled at his courage.



to allow yourself to have or do something that you like, especially something that is considered bad for you.

They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping.

I indulged myself with a long hot bath.




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