
What do you normally say to make conversation?

make conversation

to say things to someone who you do not know well, in order to be polite


I was just trying to make conversation.


Sample answers

Introduce yourself   E.g. Hi, I’m Lisa. I’m new in this school and wanted to introduce myself.

Ask questions to the other person showing interest about them.

Pay a compliment. E.g. I really like your hair. The cut suits you.

Ask for information.

Comment on something pleasant E.g. Did you watch the football game last night? I think our team finally hit their stride.

hit your stride: to become familiar with and confident at something you have recently started doing: 


Let's wait until she's hit her stride before we ask her to negotiate that contract

Both teams seem to have hit their stride in the second half.

Comment on the weather. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?" or “Can you believe all the snow we’re getting?

Ask for an opinion. E.g. How do you like the coffee from the new café?
Who do you find inspiring?
What’s the most valuable piece of  advice you could give?

Mention a shared experience (Your shared experiences make getting along easier, and that aids the flow of the conversation and building of the relationship.) E.g. How do you like studying in this school?

Make an observation E.g. The views from this window are beautiful!


What topics do you talk about to make conversation? 

Sample answers

News, sports, entertainment,...  



What expression is used to describe polite conversation about subjects that are ordinary or unimportant, especially at social occasions?



small talk



They made small talk for half an hour.
He has no small talk (= is not good at talking politely about unimportant subjects).
She was good at making small talk to put guests at their ease.


Tell us about the last time you tried to make polite small talk?

Sample sentence

 I tried to make polite small talk with him although he didn't seem interested


What expression do we use to say or do something that makes people feel more relaxed, especially at the beginning of a meeting, party, etc.?



Break the ice 


Jim organized a few party games to break the ice when people first arrived.


What noun comes from the expression "break the ice"?






a thing that you do or say, such as a game or a joke, to make people feel more relaxed, especially at the beginning of a meeting, party, etc. 


This game is an effective icebreaker at the beginning of a semester. 

What sentences do you use to maintain successful conversations? 


Sample answers:

How to do the Interaction task?




What attainable goals do you plan to strive for this academic year?

My aims are to promote a love of learning and to arouse my students' intellectual curiosity.

I am working hard in order to achieve my dream of becoming a professional skydiver.


This academic year I plan to focus on my writing.

In the near future I expect to be able to make a presentation in front of an audience.

I will need English in the future to communicate with people from different countries. 


What reasonable expectations do you intend to fulfil this academic year?

My expectations are certainly to increase my abilities and my knowledge in the English language and to meet new people.


What personal ambitions do you harbour?

My lifelong ambition is to help people learn, grow and stay curious.

What is your attitude towards learning?

My attitude towards learning is that it is lifelong. Every day is a school day for me. In actual fact, I try to learn something new every day. 

What helps you to increase your motivation?

What helps me to strengthen my motivation is to work collaboratively with others.

I am motivated to learn a sizeable breadth of English words which I can use. 


What makes learning joyful for you?

I learn best when I am in a welcoming, supportive, and interesting environment. When I feel relaxed I laugh easily. 

I especially enjoy learning when I see students being kind to one another.



What makes you curious?

I feel genuinely curious when I see words I do not know.  


What are you passionate about? 

I have developed a passionate interest in learning and teaching.



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