Objective Proficiency p 68. Keys and Vocabulary

Ex 1
p 182
  • Broad: general; not detailed. E.g. the broad outline of a proposal. The negotiators were in broad agreement on the main issues. She's a feminist, in the broadest sense of the word. In broad terms, the paper argues that each country should develop its own policy. Computer viruses fall into three broad categories.
  • Scarcely: /ˈskeəsli/ 1. only just; almost not. E.g. I can scarcely believe it. We scarcely ever meet. Scarcely a week goes by without some new scandal in the papers .There was scarcely a tree left standing after the storm. 2. used to say that something happens immediately after something else happens. E.g. He had scarcely put the phone down when the doorbell rang. Scarcely had the game started when it began to rain. 
  • Let somebody/yourself in for something: (informal) to involve somebody/yourself in something that is likely to be unpleasant or difficult. E.g. I volunteered to help, and then I thought ‘Oh no, what have I let myself in for!’
  • Meadow: / ˈmedəʊ/ a field covered in grass. Prado, pradera.
Ex 2
  • Go out: if a fire or light goes out, it stops burning or shining.
  • Hammer: to hit something hard many times, especially so that it makes a loud noise. Pound. E.g. Someone was hammering at the door. Hail was hammering down onto the roof. (figurative) I was so scared my heart was hammering (= beating very fast) in my chest. He hammered the door with his fists. 
  • Beady: /ˈbiːdi/ (of eyes) small, round and bright; watching everything closely or with suspicion: E.g. (British English) I shall certainly keep a beady eye on his behaviour. I could just see the bird's open beak and small beady eyes. 
Ex 3

1. stood
  • Run-down: in very bad condition; that has not been taken care of. Neglected. E.g. run-down inner-city areas.
  • Trepidation: /ˌtrepɪˈdeɪʃn/ great worry or fear about something unpleasant that may happen. Sp. Temor, miedo. E.g. He knocked on the door with/in some trepidation.
  • Rickety: /ˈrɪkəti/ not strong or well made; likely to break. E.g. a rickety chair. We climbed up the rickety wooden stairs which led to the third floor.

2. sat

3. hung
  • Lash: to hit somebody/something with great force. Pound. E.g. The rain lashed at the windows. Branches lashed at my face. Huge waves lashed the shore.

4. had
  • Steel: to prepare yourself to deal with something unpleasant. Sp. Armarse de valor. E.g. As she waited, she steeled herself for disappointment. He steeled himself to tell them the truth.

5. stretched 

6. were
  • Horde: a large crowd of people.E.g. There are always hordes of tourists here in the summer. Football fans turned up in hordes.
  • Not get/have a wink of sleep. Not sleep a wink: to not be able to sleep. E.g. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. I hardly slept a wink.

7. did 

  • Goalless: /ˈɡəʊlləs/ without either team scoring a goal. The match ended in a goalless draw.
  • Outcry: /ˈaʊtkraɪ/ a reaction of anger or strong protest shown by people in public. Sp. Protesta. E.g. an outcry over the proposed change. The new tax provoked a public outcry. There was outcry at the judge's statement.
  • Relish: to get great pleasure from something; to want very much to do or have something. Enjoy. E.g. to relish a fight/challenge/debate. To relish the idea/thought of something. I don't relish the prospect of getting up early tomorrow.  Nobody relishes cleaning the oven.

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