Objective Proficiency p 66. English Journey. Extra Cloze

In the original English Journey, the writer J .B. Priestley referred to the young unemployed of England as 'playboys with nothing to play at'. But at 1_____________ they had a structure of home and chapel to support them, 2______________ rigid and wanting. Nothing then could surely match the degradation of being out of work 3________ an inhabitant of Castlevale today. The estate is made 4_________ of forty or so fifteen-5________ blocks dumped in a field outside Birmingham. The police patrol in pairs; the Alsatian dogs run in 6_________. Very few cars here. And not much of a bus service by all 7_____________. 8_____________ a farcical piece of planning. Fifty years ago, people migrated to the suburbs because there was a cheap and efficient railway service to transport them to and from work. Not that a railway station in Castlevale would be of 9___________ use in that respect. Eighteen thousand people, 10__________ unemployed, living on a square mile of land. Not a cinema or a library to be 11________, let 12__________ proper shops, and only one small pub, "The 13___________ Dodger", with 14_______________ windows because they've been smashed so many times.

1. least

2. however 
However:  to whatever extent. E.g. he was hesitant to take the risk, however small. 

wanting: not as good as something should be. E.g. be found wanting:  UN peacekeeping forces were found wanting.

3. and 

4. up 
make up something to combine together to form something larger. (Of parts) compose or constitute (a whole). E.g. Women make up 40 per cent of the workforce. This book is made up of twelve separate short stories. The team is made up of three women and two men.

5. storey 

6. packs
pack: a group of animals that hunt together or are kept for hunting. E.g. packs of savage dogs. Wolves hunting in packs. A pack of hounds  

7. accounts 
by/from all accounts according to what other people say. I've never been there, but it's a lovely place, by all accounts.  

8. What
farcical: /ˈfɑːsɪkl/ ridiculous and not worth taking seriously. E.g. It was a farcical trial. A situation verging on (being very close to) the farcical.

9.  much

10. mostly 

11 seen 

12 alone 
let alone: used after a statement to emphasize that because the first thing is not true or possible, the next thing cannot be true or possible either. Sp. no digamos, por no hablar de. E.g. There isn't enough room for us, let alone any guests.I didn't have any clothes, let alone a passport.  

13 Artful
artful: clever at getting what you want, sometimes by not telling the truth. Sp. astuto, habilidoso, ingenioso. E.g. He was artful and cunning, and I didn't really trust him.
Dodger: a person who dishonestly avoids doing something. Sp. tramposo, persona evasiva. E.g. tax dodgers. A crackdown on fare dodgers on trains.
The Artful Dodger is a character in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. He is a young thief who steals things from people’s pockets, and is one of the group of thieves that Oliver joins.
14 boarded-up 
board something up to cover a window, door, etc. with wooden boards. E.g. Most buildings along the street had been boarded up.  

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