Strike a pose/an attitude: to hold your body in a particular way to create a particular impression. Sp. ponerse en pose. E.g. to strike a dramatic pose.
Jumpsuit: /ˈdʒʌmpsuːt/ a piece of clothing that consists of trousers/pants and a jacket or shirt sewn together in one piece.
Festoon somebody/something (with something): /feˈstuːn/to decorate somebody/something with flowers, coloured paper, etc, often as part of a celebration. E.g. The streets were festooned with banners and lights.
Hardware: tools and equipment that are used in the house and garden/yard. E.g. a hardware shop.
Snatch: to take something quickly and often rudely or roughly.Grab. E.g. Snatch something (+ adverb/preposition)She managed to snatch the gun from his hand. Gordon snatched up his jacket and left the room.(+ adverb/preposition).
The ether: /ˈiːθə(r)/ the air, when it is thought of as the place in which radio or electronic communication takes place.
Disposable: made to be thrown away after use. E.g. disposable gloves/razors.
Give off something: to produce something such as a smell, heat, light, etc. E.g. The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume. The fire doesn't seem to be giving off much heat.
Manna: /ˈmænə/ (in the Bible) the food that God provided for the people of Israel during their 40 years in the desert. (figurative) To the refugees, the food shipments were manna from heaven(= an unexpected and very welcome gift).
Arguably: used (often before a comparative or superlative
adjective) when you are stating an opinion that you believe you could
give reasons to support. Sp. podría decirse que. E.g. He is arguably the best actor of his generation.
Consignment: /kənˈsaɪnmənt/ the act of sending or delivering somebody/something. Envío. E.g. a consignment of medicines.
Eschew: /ɪsˈtʃuː/eschew something (formal) to deliberately avoid or keep away from something. E.g. He had eschewed politics in favour of a life practising law.
Altogether: (used to emphasize something) completely; in every way. E.g. The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether. I don't altogether agree with you. I am not altogether happy (= I am very unhappy) about the decision. It was an altogether different situation.
Ex 2
Stick your tongue out: E.g. It's very rude to stick your tongue out at people.
Tip: an untidy place. E.g. Their flat is a tip! (Sp. pocilga)
Turn out:(used with an adverb or adjective, or in questions with how) to happen in a particular way; to develop or end in a particular way. E.g. Despite our worries everything turned out well (Sp. salió bien).
Turn against somebody /turn somebody against somebodyto stop or make somebody stop being friendly towards somebody. E.g. She turned against her old friend. After the divorce he tried to turn the children against their mother.
Somersault:/ˈsʌməsɔːlt/ a movement in which somebody turns over completely, with their feet over their head, on the ground or in the air. Sp. voltereta. E.g. to do/turn a somersault. He turned back somersaults. (figurative) Her heart did a complete somersault when she saw him.
Tone: the general character and attitude of something such as a piece of writing, or the atmosphere of an event. E.g. The overall tone of the book is gently nostalgic. She set the tone for the meeting with a firm statement of company policy.
Tone: a shade of a colour. E.g. a carpet in warm tones of brown and orange.
Vending machine: a machine from which you can buy cigarettes, drinks, etc. by putting coins into it.
Habit: a long piece of clothing worn by a monk or nun.
Starch something: to make clothes, sheets, etc. stiff using starch (Sp. almidón). E.g. a starched white shirt.
Coif: /kɔɪf/a woman’s close-fitting cap, now only worn under a veil by nuns. E.g. her black habit and white starched coif.
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