Throw up: to make people notice something. E.g. Her research has thrown up some interesting facts.
Ex 2
Peril (of something): the fact of something being dangerous or harmful. E.g. a warning about the perils of drug abuse.
Work something off:to get rid of something, especially a strong feeling, by using physical effort. E.g. She worked off her anger by going for a walk.
Ailment: /ˈeɪlmənt/ an illness that is not very serious. E.g. childhood/common/minor ailments.
Ex 3
Take something to heart: to be very upset by something that somebody says or does. Sp. tomarse algo a pecho. E.g. You shouldn't take everything he says to heart.
By word of mouth: because people tell each other and not because they read about it. E.g. The news spread by word of mouth.
To lie face downwards: on the stomach. E.g. the child lay face downwards in the sand and screamed.
To set foot in/on something: to enter or visit a place. E.g. the first man to set foot on the moon. I vowed never to set foot in the place again.
Heart-to-heart: a conversation in which two people talk honestly about their feelings and personal problems. E.g. to have a heart-to-heart with somebody.
Hand in hand: 1if two people are hand in hand, they are holding each other's hand. E.g. They walked through the park hand in hand. 2.if two things go hand in hand, they are closely connected and one thing causes the other. E.g. Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand.
Arm in arm: with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other. E.g.They walked along arm in arm.
Nose to tail: (British English) if cars, etc. are nose to tail, they are moving slowly in a long line with little space between them. Bumper to bumper. E.g. Traffic is nose to tail every morning on the road into the city centre.
Bumper: a bar fixed to the front and back of a car, etc. to reduce the effect if it hits anything. Sp. parachoques. E.g. a bumper sticker(= a sign that people stick on the bumper of their cars with a message on it). The cars were bumper to bumper on the road to the coast (= so close that their bumpers were nearly touching).
Face to face (with somebody): close to and looking at somebody. E.g. The two have never met face to face before. The room fell silent as she came face to face with the man who had tried to kill her.
Face to face with something: in a situation where you have to accept that something is true and deal with it. E.g. She was at an early age brought face to face with the horrors of war.
Live (from) hand to mouth: to spend all the money you earn on basic needs such as food without being able to save any money. E.g. His family lived from hand to mouth while he was growing up because his father was unemployed.
Made by hand: not by machine. E.g. All our pottery is made by hand.
Fight tooth and nail: to fight in a very determined way for what you want. E.g. The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development.
Not see eye to eye with somebody (on something): to not share the same views as somebody about something. E.g. The two of them have never seen eye to eye on politics. 'm finding it increasingly difficult to see eye to eye with my boss.
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