Objective Proficiency p 118. Vocabulary

Ex 1
  • Building site: an area of land where something is being built. Sp. obra. E.g. if you work on a building site then you probably get enough exercise from your normal daily routine.
2002 edition p 120:
Ex 2
Text A
  • Morbidity: /mɔːˈbɪdəti/ the incidence or prevalence of a disease or of all diseases in a population.
  • Lifespan: /ˈlaɪfspæn/ the length of time that something is likely to live, continue or function. E.g. Worms have a lifespan of a few months.
  • Decrepitude: /dɪˈkrepɪtjuːd/ the state of being old and in poor condition or health. E.g. the decline towards decrepitude and death.
  • Overdo /ˌəʊvəˈduː/, overdid, overdone: to do something too much; to exaggerate something. E.g. She really overdid the sympathy (= and so did not seem sincere).
  • Flout something: / flaʊt/ to show that you have no respect for a law, etc. by openly not obeying it. Defy. Sp. desobedecer. E.g. Motorists regularly flout the law. To flout authority/convention.
  • Apparent: /əˈpærənt/
  • Stick to: 1. to continue doing something despite difficulties. E.g. She finds it impossible to stick to a diet.   2. to continue doing or using something and not want to change it. E.g. He promised to help us and he stuck to his word (= he did as he had promised).‘Shall we meet on Friday this week?’ ‘No, let's stick to Saturday.’She stuck to her story.
  • Not agree with somebody: (of food) to make you feel ill/sick. E.g. I love strawberries, but they don't agree with me.
  • Loathsome: /ˈləʊðsəm/ extremely unpleasant; disgusting. Repulsive. Sp. repugnante, odioso. E.g. The police described it as one of the most loathsome crimes of recent years.
  • Hype: advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telling the public about a product and about how good or important it is. Sp. bombo publicitario. E.g. marketing/media hype. Don't believe all the hype—the book isn't that good. 
  • Yonder: /ˈjɒndə(r)/ (also yon) that is over there; that you can see over there. That. E.g. Let's rest under yonder tree.
  • Peddle: /ˈpedl/ 1. to try to sell goods by going from house to house or from place to place. E.g. He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes. To peddle illegal drugs. 2. to spread an idea or story in order to get people to accept it. E.g. to peddle malicious gossip. This line (= publicly stated opinion) is being peddled by all the government spokesmen.
Text B
  • Affront somebody/something: /əˈfrʌnt/ (formal) to insult or offend somebody. E.g. He hoped they would not feel affronted if they were not invited. An affronted expression. His attitude really affronted her.
  • Uncharitable: /ʌnˈtʃærɪtəbl/ unkind and unfair in the way that you judge people. Uncharitable thoughts. Sp. poco caritativo. E.g. I don't want to be uncharitable, but he isn't very intelligent, is he?
  • Palpably: /ˈpælpəbli/ that is easily noticed by the mind or the senses. Evidentemente, palpablemente. E.g. It was palpably clear what she really meant.
  • Masochism: /ˈmæsəkɪzəm/ 1. the practice of getting sexual pleasure from being physically hurt. 2. (informal) the enjoyment of something that most people would find unpleasant or painful. E.g. You spent the whole weekend in a tent in the rain? That's masochism!
  • Vicarious: / vɪˈkeəriəs/ felt or experienced by watching or reading about somebody else doing something, rather than by doing it yourself. Sp. indirecto. E.g. He got a vicarious thrill out of watching his son score the winning goal.
  • Ghastly: /ˈɡɑːstli/ Horrible. E.g. a ghastly crime/murder. She woke up in the middle of a ghastly nightmare.
  • Facet: /ˈfæsɪt/ (of something) a particular part or aspect of something. E.g. Now let's look at another facet of the problem. The report examines every facet of the prison system. The many facets of rural life.

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