Objective Proficiency p 95. Vocabulary

Ex 6
  • Loathe: /ləʊð/ to dislike somebody/something very much. Detest. E.g. I loathe modern art. They loathe each other.
  • Mendacity: /menˈdæsəti/ the act of not telling the truth. Lying. E.g. politicians accused of hypocrisy and mendacity.
  • Repel something: /rɪˈpel/ to drive, push or keep something away. Sp. repeler. E.g. a cream that repels insects. The fabric has been treated to repel water. 
  • Tenacity: /təˈnæsəti/  
  • Cautionary: /ˈkɔːʃənəri/ giving advice or a warning. E.g. a cautionary tale (Sp. cuento con moraleja) about the problems of buying a computer.
  • Collapsible: /kəˈlæpsəbl/ that can be folded flat or made into a smaller shape that uses less space. Sp. plegable. E.g. a collapsible chair/boat/bicycle.
  • Laborious: /ləˈbɔːriəs/ taking a lot of time and effort. Sp. laborioso. E.g. a laborious task/process. Checking all the information will be slow and laborious.
  • Loathsome: /ˈləʊðsəm/ extremely unpleasant; disgusting. Repulsive. E.g. The police described it as one of the most loathsome crimes of recent years.
  • Mendacious: /menˈdeɪʃəs/ not telling the truth. Lying. Sp. mentiroso. E.g. mendacious press statements.
  • Philosophical /ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkl/ 1. connected with philosophy. E.g. the philosophical writings of Kant. 2. Philosophical (about something)  having a calm attitude towards a difficult or disappointing situation. E.g. He was philosophical about losing and said that he'd be back next year to try again.
  • Tenacious: /təˈneɪʃəs/
  • Theatrical: /θiˈætrɪkl/ 1. Connected with the theatre. Sp. teatral. E.g. a theatrical agent. 2. exaggerated in order to attract attention or create a particular effect. Sp. teatral. E.g. a theatrical gesture. 
  • Voluntary: /ˈvɒləntri/.
Ex 7
  • Lovegety: a matchmaking device available only in Japan, which allows users to find potential dates that match their personal preferences in the vicinity. 
  • Hint: to suggest something in an indirect way. Sp. insinuar. E.g. What are you hinting at? 
  • Badge: a small piece of metal or plastic, with a design or words on it, that a person wears to show that they belong to an organization, support something, have achieved something, have a particular rank, etc. Sp. chapa, insignia. E.g. She wore a badge saying ‘Vote for Coates’. All employees have to wear name badges. 
  • Pendant: a piece of jewellery that you wear around your neck on a chain. Sp. colgante.
  • Indeterminate: /ˌɪndɪˈtɜːmɪnət/ that cannot be identified easily or exactly. E.g. She was a tall woman of indeterminate age.
  • Setting: the place at which something happens. E.g. a rural/an ideal/a beautiful/an idyllic, etc. setting. It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas. People tend to behave differently in different social settings.
  • Gimmick: an unusual trick or unnecessary device that is intended to attract attention or to persuade people to buy something. E.g. a promotional/publicity/sales gimmick. We don't use gimmicks to sell our products.
  • Enclose: /ɪnˈkləʊz/ Sp. encerrar.
  • Crux: /krʌks/ the crux (of something) the most important or difficult part of a problem or an issue. Sp. quid. E.g. Now we come to the crux of the matter. 
  • Neuroticism:  /njʊˈrɒtɪˌsɪzəm/a personality trait characterized by instability, anxiety, aggression, etc 
  • Bullish: feeling confident and positive about the future. Sp. optimista. E.g. in a bullish mood. 
  • Set to: to begin doing something in a busy or determined way.
  • Make inroads into/on something: if one thing makes inroads into another, it has a noticeable effect on the second thing, especially by reducing it, or influencing it. E.g. Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt. By the 1950s, television had made great inroads into the territory of the news magazines.

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