Objective Proficiency p 50. Kanye vs Freddie. Extra Listening

Once upon a time, a singer wrote a song.
Over the years, the song became extremely popular. People all over the world loved it. It became ‘the beautiful song’. And when the singer died, he became a legend.
One day another musician arrived in a town. The musician shouted at the townspeople: “I am the greatest living rock star on the planet.”
The townspeople gave him a stage and said, “Come on then! Show us.”
Now, although the musician had many songs of his own, he decided to start by singing "the beautiful song." This seemed to please the townspeople. They sang along with him. They clapped and cheered.
But one man was not happy. His name was Matthew.
“This musician is not the greatest living rock star on the planet,” said Matthew. “His performance of the beautiful song was terrible. His voice was flat. And he couldn’t reach the high notes.”
Matthew decided that he would teach the musician a lesson. Matthew was trained in a traditional craft known as video editing. Using his skills, he was able to resurrect the legendary singer. And he was able to show the world exactly what the legendary singer thought of the arrogant musician’s performance.
The musician felt mocked. He was furious. But there was nothing that he could do. He could not make people forget what they had already seen.
And that is the end of the story. But to this day, Matthew’s message can still be seen – a warning from history to other arrogant musicians.
And those with access to the ancient Internet can still see it on YouTube: The musician performing the beautiful song to the townspeople. Meanwhile, the legendary singer watches and laughs uncontrollably from the grave.

Video here
In the second video on the playlist Alfred Hitchcock explains the Kuleshov effect

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